Get more leads for your Company with smarter Marketing, Consulting and Business Development

higher visibility on google I beautiful websites built for conversion I results tracking

Our Services

Marketing and Consulting Solutions that work

Choosing a company to handle your Company Marketing and Consulting is never an easy decision. There are hundreds of companies that handle online Marketing and Consulting services for Businesses. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that most providers are not very good. You probably already know this. You’ve experienced this and you want to find someone that will actually keep the promises that they make. CloudOne.Media Consulting is here to change your whole outlook of advertising online.

Every year, competition in the Business Marketing and Consulting world gets more and more competitive. As Internet usage continues to grow, so too are the number of Companys competing for that business. There are also nearly 287 million Internet users in America and almost 90% of the population uses the Internet. According to the American Business Association, there are over 1.3 million Businesses in America.

Superior websites give visitors a better impression of your Company

The way your website looks says a lot to a website visitor. It can give off the impression of your firm being highly successful or to use words from usability testing participants, can make you look “like a used car salesman”.

Custom Website Design

  • Beautiful, cutting edge websites built to impress
  • A focus on Conversion Rate Optimization
  • All websites built mobile responsive
  • Websites built for a better user experience
  • SEO friendly website design for better rankings

Pay per click management

  • We are certified as Google Premier Partners
  • Intelligent PPC campaign strategies
  • Maximize the efficiency of your budget
  • A/B testing on all campaigns
  • 10+ years of experience managing PPC for Companys


  • Smarter SEO strategies
  • High visibility on Google
  • White hat SEO tactics
  • Rank for a wide range of keywords
  • Proven results for over 10+ years

If you want to successfully compete online, you
need a smarter way to generate more leads than what
you are doing now or have tried in the past.

Better online visibility on the Internet

We focus our Marketing and Consulting efforts around Google because that’s where the great majority of search engine users are at. We don’t just optimize for a handful of keyword phrases but on many various search terms to increase your chances of being found online. We provide both organic search and Google Adwords solutions that will help to increase the leads you generate through your website.

Higher conversion rates means more leads

Getting traffic to your website means nothing unless you are receiving phone calls or online contact form requests. Our goal is always to try and maximize the leads you get from your site. We do this by applying CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) techniques in order to increase the chances of your visitors contacting you instead of leaving and going to a competitor.

Our Features

What type of firms do we work with?

We generally work with Businesses who want to be aggressive about their online Marketing and Consulting.

While the majority of our clients are different type of businesess Companies, we also have extensive experience working with bankruptcy, immigration, business, estate planning and other consumer focused areas of business.

In all cases, we develop Marketing and Consulting strategies for your Company that are customized to your Marketing and Consulting objectives and what the competition in your area is like. For example, SEO for Businesses in New York City is going to require a different strategy than Marketing and Consulting for business in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our consultants work together with the SEO team to develop the right strategy for you.

What do we do different than other
Marketing and Consulting companies?

A smarter way to market your Company

Unless you have a website that impresses your site visitors, you are losing out on cases to your competitors.

Your website is the building block of all your Company Marketing and Consulting. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to think “I already have a website and it’s good enough”. No, in reality it is not and in fact it is probably causing you to miss out on new business.

The way your website looks and how your users interact with it is a vital part of making your Marketing and Consulting work. We know from conducting usability testing experiments for the past 10 years with Internet users. The feedback consumers provide is a critical part of understanding how to successfully conduct Company Marketing and Consulting on the Internet.

Another mistake is thinking there is such a thing as low cost search engine Marketing and Consulting that works.

You know the saying…if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. When it comes to SEO, PPC, social media Marketing and Consulting, etc., this is absolutely the case. There is no such thing as low cost Marketing and Consulting solutions for Businesses in 2020. Competition is way too tough so you are just wasting your money.

Request a Custom Quote

We are great at what we do, and clients who have tried other
Marketing and Consulting companies will tell you the same. Fill out the form below
and a sales representative will get back to you shortly.